English Story


In English, the word pumpkin is often used as a term of endearment. Other English words that people commonly use to express their adoration for someone include babe, baby, beautiful, buddy, cupcake, cutie-pie, darling, dear, handsome, honey, pet, princess, sugar, sweet pea, sweetie, or sweetie-pie. People use pet names to address their children or their romantic partners. In some countries, it is customary to use terms of endearment with just about anyone. For example, in Britain a stranger may call your husband love (often spelled luv) or your child dear. Don’t be alarmed. This is just a friendly way of speaking. Unlike a nickname, which is capitalized in written English, a term of endearment isn’t usually capitalized: Can you pick up some bread, honey? However, it is common to capitalize terms of endearment in a salutation: Hi, Babe.