English Story



residential mortgage 住宅按揭

residual acceptor of foreign exchange 外汇的最后承兑人

residual deficit 剩余赤字

residual method 余值法

residual method of valuation 余值估计法

residual payment 余款;剩余付款

residual supplier of foreign exchange 外汇的最后供应者

residual value 剩余价值;残余价值

residuary estate 剩余遗产

residue 剩余额;剩余财产

residue of expenditure 开支剩余额

resistance line 阻力线

Resource Allocation Exercise 资源分配工作

Resource Allocation Exercise for recurrent expenditure


resource bid 资源申请

resource bureau 资源局

Resources Management Unit 资源管理组〔经济局〕

responsible director 责任董事

restatement of account 重整帐目

restocking 补充存货

restricted auction 限制条件拍卖

restricted banking licence 有限制银行牌照

restricted licence bank 有限制牌照银行

restricted tender 局限性投标;“围内”投标

restriction notice 限制通知书

restrictive endorsement 限制背书

results announcement 业绩公布

retail banking 零售银行业务

retail business 零售业务

retail client “散户”;“ 散客”