English Story
Biography(91) Fable(339) Fairy(493) Folk(575) Love(250) Shuangyu(173)
Traps behind the leaves
There is a story about a cicada(蝉) in the Chinese classic, Chuang-Tzu. Once...
The crab and his son
A LOGICAL Crab said to his Son, "Why do you not walk straight forward?  Your...
Waves of the life
My grandfather took me to the fish pond on the farm when I was about seven,...
Once, Chun Yukun recommended seven able and virtuous scholars to King Xuan...
The butcher and his customer
Two men were buying meat at a butcher's stall in the marketplace, and, while...
When the mother was treating his son's tumefaction on his head, there was a...
A tragedy or a blessing
Years ago in Scotland, the Clark family had a dream. Clark and his wife...
The father and his sons 父亲与争吵的儿子们
aA father had a family of sons who were perpetually(永恒地) quarreling among...
A handful of clay 一捧泥土
There was a handful of clay in the bank of a river. It was only common clay,...
The cat and the birds
A CAT, hearing that the Birds in a certain aviary were ailing dressed...
James and John were good friends. For many years, James has had complete...
The fox who had lost his tail
A FOX caught in a trap escaped, but in so doing lost his tail. Thereafter,...
A man and a Satyr having struck up an acquaintance , sat down together to...
Curing baldness 治秃头
Once, there was a man who was bothered by total baldness.   In winter, he...
The dog and the shadow
A DOG, crossing a bridge over a stream with a piece of flesh in his mouth,...
A shameful affair 一件可耻的事情
Mildred orme(榆木) , seated in the snuggest corner of the big front porch of...
The gardner and his dog 花匠和他的狗
The gardner's dog fell into a deep well, from which his master used to draw...
The fox and the hedgehog
A FOX swimming across a rapid river was carried by the force of the current...
The doe and the lion
A DOE hard pressed by hunters sought refuge in a cave belonging to a Lion. ...
Little boy with a bad temper
There was a little boy with a bad temper . His father gave him a bag of...