English Story
Biography(91) Fable(339) Fairy(493) Folk(575) Love(250) Shuangyu(173)
Why the sea is salt 1
Long ago, there lived two brothers. The older brother was rich and...
The hound and the fox 猎狗和狐狸
A hound, roaming in the forest, spied a lion. He thought the lion might be a...
The white duck
Once upon a time... Once upon a time a great and powerful King married a...
How the dragon
Once upon a time... Once upon a time there lived a man who had two sons but...
The willow-wren and the bear
Once in summer-time the bear and the wolf were walking in the forest, and...
The star-child 5
For the space of three years he wandered over the world, and in the world...
One day an elephant wandered into a forest in search of friends.    He saw a...
The story of big ears
This happened a long, long time ago. Humans had big ears then. And they...
Once upon a time... Once upon a time there lived a peasant called Ivan, and...
Jenson's new year
It was hectic in the Jenson family household because it was the day before...
Red shoes
ONCE upon a time there was little girl, pretty and dainty. But in summer...
Snow-white 2
Snow-white awoke, and saw the seven Little Men with their big beards...
Six swans
A KING1 was once hunting2 in a great wood,3 and he hunted the game so...
The grateful crane
Long, long ago, there was a good and honest man, whose name was Yohyo. He...
Fairyland 1
Chapter 1   Once upon a time there were two little kids named Jesse and Mary...
The fisherman piping 吹笛子的渔夫
A fisherman who could play the flute went down one day to the sea-shore with...
Bank robbery
An old lady went out shopping last Tuesday. She came to a bank and saw a car...
Jupiter and the tortoise
Jupiter was about to marry a wife ,and determined to celebrate the event by...
Childe rowland
Long ago there was a little princess named Ellen. She lived with her mother,...
Two brothers
One day the Mountain man said to the Sea man, "I have never tried fishing in...