English Story

各国餐桌礼仪大盘点 中

Always: Wait for the host to sit down before you take your seat.
Never: Blow on your food.
Always: Keep pouring tea until it spills over into the saucer.
Never: Look at someone else's dinner.
Always: Use silverware, as eating with our hands is very uncommon.
Never: Dip bread into your soup as it is considered very rude.
Always: Tear the bread into pieces instead of biting into it.
Never: Spread the cheese that is on your bread.
Always: Gifts or flowers must always be in odd numbers.
Never: Nothing should be mixed with vodka, not even ice.
South Africa
Always: Take a small gift as a token of appreciation for being invited to dine at the home of the host.
Never: It is considered rude to leave your shoes on. Also, avoid making eye contact when eating.