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Hackerazzi 黑客狗仔
Hackerazzi are cybercriminals who hack into the email accounts of...
对基督徒来说,十字架象征着信仰与拯救,当耶酥基督为了人类的罪恶被钉死在十字架上,而后又死而复生…… To Christians , the cross...
Nevertiree 永不退休的人
Nevertiree refers to someone who continues to work beyond the age when...
据一位高级军官透露,10月1日在北京举行的国庆阅兵式将展示108枚新型导弹。这些导弹都是我国最新研制生产的新一代导弹,技术先进,科技含量高。 请看新华社的...
自然保护区 nature reserve
Geolocation 地理定位
Geolocation means the ability for websites to find out the user’s location,...
Mushroom management 蘑菇管理
Mushroom management is a style of management in which the personnel are not...
Zombie debtor 僵尸债务人
The term zombie debtor refers to someone who is unable to pay off the...
Movieoke 电影卡拉ok
Movieoke is a form of entertainment in which a person acts out scenes from a...
Prom 正式舞会或聚会
In the United States and Canada, a prom, short for promenade , is a formal...
Threenager 三岁小大人
Threenager is a three-year-old who displays the moodiness and attitude of a...
Sharing economy 分享经济
The sharing economy (aka the shared economy) refers to economic and social...
Cowgirl 女汉子
Chinese actress Ma Su on her Weibo said, "It would be better to be a female...
Email courier 电邮快递员
Email courier is an individual who gets out of their chair and approaches...
电击疗法 shock therapy/treatment
Divorce clustering 离婚群聚效应
According to a new study, divorce is catching . The researchers have called...
House money effect 赌场赢利效应
House money effect refers to the premise that people are more willing to...
Chick noir 女性黑色小说
The expression chick noir describes a type of novel which usually has a...
Roadgeek 道路迷
Roadgeek refers to a person who is passionate about roads, including road...
Champagne problems 香槟问题
Champagne problems are problems of the rich and famous that we would all be...