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工资指导价 income benchmark
Shapewear 塑形内衣
Shapewear is simply underwear which is designed to temporarily alter the...
水货 parallel import/grey product
Nth screen 多屏幕分享
The ' nth screen ' has been lingering around the tech world for several...
Bridechilla 婚礼前异常冷静的准新娘
Bridechilla is a bride-to-be who, while planning her wedding, remains calm,...
Hate hug 假意拥抱
Hate hug is a hug given as an unavoidable social grace even though one or...
Fat talk 女生常谈的话题
Fat talk refers to conversations in which women criticise their body shape,...
碳浓度 carbon intensity
May the light of our Savior's love be with you at Christmas and always......
Soft skills 软技能
Soft skills is a sociological term relating to a person's "EQ" (Emotional...
Exploding head syndrome 爆炸头综合症
"There's this sudden crescendo of noise, then a profound and jarring...
Sindie 离异多金女
Luxury brands are reporting booming sales of erotic products from a new...
Earth-scraper 摩地大楼
Architects have designed an incredible 65-storey ' earth-scraper ' which...
Intellidating 智慧相亲
Intellidating , a blend of intelligent and dating, refers to dating that...
Social bankruptcy 社交破产
Unanswered emails. Texts you must respond to. Facebook messages piling up....
Contractor 劳务派遣工
The bill also includes an article requiring agencies and employers to follow...
Transition friend 中间朋友
Transition friend is a person that brings together two or more people that...
Deer market 鹿市
Neither a bull or bear market, a deer market is characterized by low...
给猪涂口红 lipstick on a pig
2008年美国总统大选的时候,奥巴马的一句“你就算给猪涂上口红,它也还是只猪”曾经引起选民的广泛争议,同时,也让lipstick on a...
Nettel 无暇享受生活
Not Enough Time To Enjoy Life, or NETTEL , refers to the rising pool of...