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Once upon a time, in a far away land, there was a princess…RAP BATTLE!...
影片对白 Eduardo: Hey, what's going on? Mark: Perfect timing . Eduardo's here...
Action/Adventure, Romance, Thriller and Crime/Gangster December 10th, 2004...
影片对白 Frank: Thirty-two forgs. Pretty impressive, boys. You ever think about...
Know your strengths, use them wisely and one man can be worth ten thousand....
精彩对白   Colleague: Ah, Miss Roberts. Hoping to be chosen as our candidate for...
影片对白   Hal: Whoa.   Tomar-Re: Have you concluded admiring yourself?   Hal:...
精彩对白 William: Emilia, do you know what eBay is? Emilia: Yes, I do. William:...
This guy doesn't beat around the bush. 这家伙一点弯子都不绕。   He's not one of these...
Szpilman的处境越来越危险, Dorota夫妇也奔命去了。此时的Szpilman...
精彩对白   Branson: Is that all, My Lord?   Robert: It is. Off you go and good...
I can't stay with her anymore because she doesn't exist . I wish. I wish...
影片对白 Neil: Hey. That look straight to you? Beth: Why are you hanging that?...
影片对白 Auggie: Taz! Stop! Stop! Come here and eat! Come on! Stay. Sorry. He's...
A people rose up from the ashes, and a new era was born. 人们涅��重生,一个新的时代浴血开启。...
Compétition (In Competition) 主竞赛单元  ...
1. London terminal is compromised. 伦敦终端机被破坏了。   2. Let's cut the bull....
11月16号开始放映的《 皇家赌场 》(Casino Royale)还是象前20部一样,既叫座又卖座,而且这部007也成了导演马丁-坎贝尔的封镜之作。...