English Story
Children(71) Logion(79) Zhongying(105)
沁园春·雪   1936.2   北国风光 千里冰封 万里雪飘 望长城内外 惟余莽莽   大河上下 顿失滔滔 山舞银蛇 原驰蜡象 欲与天公试比高...
下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒 李白   暮从碧山下, 山月随人归。 却顾所来径, 苍苍横翠微。 相携及田家, 童稚开荆扉。 绿竹入幽径, 青萝拂行衣。...
One day you finally knew  what you had to do, and began,  though the voices...
Reply to Comrade Guo Moruo On this tiny globe A few flies dash themselves...
181 我的昼间之花,落下它那被遗忘的花瓣。 在黄昏中,这花成熟为一颗记忆的金果。 My flower of the day dropped its...
Morning 清晨
I love to wake to each new day, And brush my dreams Of night away, And look...
The rainy day 雨天
The Rainy Day 雨天     --Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 亨利.沃兹渥斯.朗费罗 The day is...
青春飞逝 岁月留痕
There are gains for all our losses. There are balms for all our pain: But...
The flight of youth 青春的飞逝
The Flight of Youth 青春的飞逝           _Richard Henry Stoddard/理查德.亨利.斯托达德...
True Friend Standing by All the way Here to help you through your day...
Love's witness 爱情的见证
Slight unpremeditated Words are borne By every common Wind into the Air;...
Loushan Pass Fierce the west wind, Wild geese cry under the frosty morning...
Iago Prytherch his name, though, be allowed,  Just an ordinary man of the...
Nurse, actually you are the angel without wings.   You are the symbols of...
Do i need to like myself?
Yes! People who don't like themselves are a pain in the neck! Usually,...
The blossom 花儿
by William Blake, 1757-1827 Merry, merry sparrow! Under leaves so green, A...
The white christmas 白色的圣诞节
I'M DREAMING OF THE WHITE CHRISTMAS I'm dreaming of the white Christmas Just...
爱,永远禁不起等待 wait
When will there be no more moon and spring flowers 春花秋月何时了, For me who had...
The pure, the bright, the beautiful, 一切纯洁的,辉煌的,美丽的, That stirred our hearts...