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Amphibious officials 两栖干部
The Beijing local government is taking measures to clean up the so-called...
Be careful when using the bath.使用此浴室时小心。   booking made through most travel...
Cinematic narcolepsy 电影嗜睡症
约会的时候到影院看电影,开演没多久ta就在旁边打起了瞌睡?先别忙着发脾气或是埋怨对方不解风情,ta可能有 cinematic narcolepsy...
Cinemad 电影映前广告
Cinemad is a commercial played before a...
Residence permit 居留许可
"The request was accepted and accordingly Edward Snowden was given a...
Lesson 145     Billy's Goal in Life     Some people have goals in life. For...
Droneport 无人机机场
Droneport refers to an airport or hub designed for or dedicated to drones....
Slacktivist 懒惰的社会知识分子
The battle of epidemic prevention and control 疫情防控阻击战
1、女“性“英语   你真的听懂了对方在说什么吗?有些时候潜台词和字面的意思正相反...   Yes = No.   No = Yes.   Maybe...
Generation rent 租房一代
Generation rent refers to the generation of people born from the eighties...
Password trap 密码陷阱
Password trap is a program or website that uses a legitimate-looking...
Nanobreak 纳米假日
Nanobreak is typically a very short, i.e. overnight holiday, preferably...
型男索女&俊男美女 说法大搜罗
Public rental houses 公租房
China is set to stop construction of public rental houses and renovate 6...
Glass rain 玻璃雨
High temperature is blamed for the cracking of safety glass in those cases,...
Plain packaging 素面包装
Ten years after setting a trend with its workplace smoking ban, Ireland is...
The busiest independent director 最忙独董
Four listed companies announced on Friday that their independent director...
Empty legs 空驶私人航班
" Empty legs " are private jet flights where there happens to be nobody...
Domestic violence 家庭暴力
The allegations have helped turn the spotlight once again onto domestic...